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Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. …
In recent decades, the holiday of Tu B’Shvat has increasingly been celebrated as a Jewish Earth Day, marked by the celebration of nature and environmentalist activism. But is that really what Tu B’Shvat is about?…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: What Drives Christian Zionism?…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: Arendt in Jerusalem Chapter…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: The Begin Doctrine Chapter…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: From Disraeli to Churchill…
“All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?” So mused Mark Twain in the nineteenth century. One such “secret” surely resides in the immortal language that the Jewish people kept alive—and…
The establishment of the State of Israel is one of the most remarkable achievements of the modern era. Never before had a people dispersed throughout the world, deprived of sovereignty for millennia, returned to its ancient homeland to…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: The World Before Oslo…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. Chapter 1: Evangelicals’ Love Affair with the Jews…
Press play below to listen to the podcast, download it in the iTunes Store, or stream it via Stitcher. How should Israelis think about the security and defense of the Jewish State when…
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