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For 7th & 8th graders in public and independent schools. One-year opportunity to study the great ideas and leaders of Jewish and Western civilization, Zionism, and the heroic story of modern Israel.
For 7th & 8th graders in Jewish partner schools. High-level seminars that explore the foundational ideas, key texts, and great leaders of American civilization and modern Zionism.
Launched in partnership with The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, in weekly online seminars parents and their middle-school children can explore the major themes, defining figures, and enduring questions in the weekly parsha, inspired by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s renowned Covenant & Conversation Series.
For 7-12th graders in any type of school. Online academy that offers enrichment seminars for students interested in deepening their knowledge in Jewish ideas and history, Zionism and Modern Israel, and the American-Jewish experience.
Emet Classical Academy is a Jewish preparatory school for 6th to 12th graders in Manhattan. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in every academic and cultural field, the formation of confident Jews and civic-minded Americans, and the preservation of the best of Western civilization.
For 9th & 10th graders in any type of school. Fellowship that includes conversations with great leaders, in-person winter retreats, online seminars on foundational texts, and debate workshop.
For 11th & 12th graders in any type of school. Exclusive fellowship for top performing Tikvah students to learn and write about important Jewish, Zionist, and American questions and to receive individualized intellectual and college mentorship.
For 10th, 11th & 12th graders in any type of school. Summer institute in Jewish thought, Zionism, philosophy, economics, literature, and politics.
Director, Tikvah High School Fellowships
Associate Dean of Advanced High School Programs
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