Tikvah’s faculty are notable for their scholarship and their contributions to public life. They are chosen for their commitment to education as a noble calling and for their ingenuity in engaging with the best minds of all ages and backgrounds. Participants are encouraged to meet with our faculty in informal weekly lunches and dinners as well as in the classroom.
Dr. Asael Abelman
The Tikvah Fund
Dima Adamsky
IDC Herzliya
Yaakov Amidror
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
Ryan Anderson
The Heritage Foundation
Allan Arkush
Jewish Review of Books
Ran Baratz
Jonathan M. Baron
Baron Public Affairs, LLC
Leora Batnitzky
Princeton University
Shani Bechhofer
Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies
Jason Bedrick
Dan Ben-David
Taub Center for Social Policy Studies
Peter Berkowitz
Hoover Institution
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
Yeshivat Orayta
John Bolton
American Enterprise Institute
James Capretta
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Mona Charen
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Eliot Cohen
Johns Hopkins University
Eric Cohen
The Tikvah Fund
Elliot Cosgrove
Park Avenue Synagogue
Christopher DeMuth
Hudson Institute
Jacqueline Deal
Long Term Strategy Group
James Dubik
Institute for the Study of War
Eric Edelman
Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies
Peter Feaver
Duke University
Douglas Feith
Hudson Institute
Hillel Fradkin
Hudson Institute
William Galston
Brookings Institution
Tova Ganzel
Midrasha at Bar-Ilan University
Robert P. George
Princeton University
Dr. Samuel Goldman
Associate Professor of Political Science at George Washington University
Micah Goodman
Shalom Hartman Institute and Mabua
Daniel Gordis
Shalem College
Dr. Samuel Gregg
Acton Institute
Moshe Halbertal
NYU Law School and Hebrew University
Yossi Klein Halevi
Author and Journalist
Hillel Halkin
Philip Hamburger
Columbia University Law School
Victor Davis Hanson
Hoover Institution
Yoram Hazony
Herzl Institute
Arthur Herman
Roger Hertog
Hertog Foundation and The Tikvah Fund
Charles Hill
Yale University
Douglas Holtz-Eakin
American Action Forum
Glenn Hubbard
Columbia University
Daniel Johnson
Editor of Standpoint
Kimberly Kagan
Founder and President, Institute for the Study of War
Frederick W. Kagan
American Enterprise Institute
Leon R. Kass
The American Enterprise Institute and Shalem College
Tal Keinan
CEO, Clarity Capital
Eugene Kontorovich
George Mason University
Moshe Koppel
Kohelet Policy Forum
Miriam Kosman
Nefesh Yehudi
Martin Kramer
Shalem College
Jonathan Last
Weekly Standard
Eric Lawee
Bar-Ilan University
Jay Lefkowitz
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Jon Levenson
Harvard University
Yuval Levin
National Affairs
Lewis Libby
Hudson Institute
Wilfred M. McClay
University of Oklahoma
Michael W. McConnell
Stanford Law School
Walter Russell Mead
The Hudson Institute
Gilbert Meilaender
Valparaiso University
Sallai Meridor
Jerusalem Foundation
Joshua Mitchell
Georgetown University
Joshua Muravchik
World Affairs Institute
Chaim Navon
Midreshet Lindenbaum and Yeshivat Har Etzion
Robert Nicholson
Philos Project
Michael Oren
IDC - Herzliya
Clifford Orwin
University of Toronto
James Pethokoukis
American Enterprise Institute
Yehoshua Pfeffer
The Tikvah Fund
Norman Podhoretz
Paul A. Rahe
Hillsdale College
Samuel Rascoff
New York University School of Law
Walter Reich
George Washington University
Ohad Reifen
Start-Up Nation Central
Jehuda Reinharz
Brandeis University
Shlomo Riskin
Founding Chief Rabbi of Efrat
Stephen Rosen
Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs, Harvard University
Smadar Rosensweig
Stern College
Daniel Rynhold
Yeshiva University
Gideon Sapir
Bar-Ilan University
Jonathan Sarna
Brandeis University
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter
Yeshiva University
Dr. Gabriel Scheinmann
The Alexander Hamilton Society
David Schizer
Columbia University Law School
Vance Serchuk
Executive Director of the KKR Global Institute
Wendy Shalit
Jonathan Silver
The Tikvah Fund
Saul Singer
Israel Democracy Institute
Meir Soloveichik
Congregation Shearith Israel
Darren Staloff
City College of New York
David Stav
Tzohar Rabbinical Organization
Bret Stephens
New York Times
Barry Strauss
Cornell University
Aryeh Tepper
Michael Walzer
Institute for Advanced Study
George Weigel
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Aviva Weisbord
Jack Wertheimer
Jewish Theological Seminary
W. Bradford Wilcox
University of Virginia
Ruth Wisse
Distinguished Senior Fellow, The Tikvah Fund
Paul Wolfowitz
American Enterprise Institute
Jacob Wright
Emory University
Hillay Zmora
Ben-Gurion University
Michael Zuckert
University of Notre Dame