The Millstone Scholars Program is a unique one-year opportunity for middle school students to study the great ideas and leaders of Jewish and Western civilization, Zionism, and the heroic story of modern Israel. Students will meet in their local community cohorts of Millstone Scholars for weekly in-person high level seminars with exceptional peers and master teachers. Designed for students in public or independent private schools, Millstone Scholars engage in a one-year sequence of an in-person core seminar and online electives, combined with special events and guest speakers who share their experiences as Jewish, Israeli, and American leaders. Millstone Scholars is a national honors program, with regional clusters around the country. In an era of declining Jewish identity and rising anti-Semitism, the Millstone Scholars Program aims to create confident and knowledgeable Jewish leaders of the future.
The Millstone Scholars Program is tailored for 7th and 8th grade students from public or independent private schools. With active cohorts nationwide, we’re expanding for the upcoming school year. Each regional cohort is limited to 15 select students.
Yes. The Millstone Scholars Program’s tuition fee is $90 per month for eight months or $720 for the school year. Select locations are subsidized by their local synagogues or a local donor. The Millstone Scholars Program has a generous financial aid policy — for those in need of financial assistance, please email
Yes. The Millstone Scholars Program has a generous financial aid policy — for those in need of financial assistance, please email
Typically, students don’t have the opportunity to learn about the great ideas and contributions of Judaism when getting ready to read their Torah portion and give a speech. The Millstone Scholars program allows them to join students across the country in delving into key Jewish ideas while studying for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and in staying engaged with their Jewish identities in a serious way just after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, which is when most students end up leaving Jewish life. Millstone keeps middle schoolers involved and prepares them to be on high school and college campuses as confident young Jews.
The time commitment is once per week, in-person, for an hour to 75 minutes.
Millstone programs are hosted at synagogues and private homes at a convenient location in your area. Please see our “Locations” page for more information regarding your specific local cohort.
The program runs according to the academic year. The program starts towards the beginning of the school year and ends in May or June.
There are parent learning opportunities for parents to engage with the material their children are learning and to explore together issues of deepest concern as Jewish parents today. If you are interested in getting involved in Tikvah’s broader parent’s network, please see our Jewish Parents Forum website.
Our mission is to train and network a group of learned and confident young American Jewish leaders of tomorrow.
Yes! This past year, we offered a national debate, a field trip, and a writing competition. We are planning many exciting new opportunities for our students to meet outside of the classroom.
Millstone Scholars courses focus on reading primary texts carefully as a way to explore the great ideas, leaders, and stories that help us understand who we are—proud American Jewish Zionists. Click the images below to view sample units.
Dean and Founding Executive Director, Millstone Scholars
Head of School, Emet Classical Academy